Sunday, November 10, 2013

Successful Online Travel Marketing Campaigns

There are a variety of different ways you can reach your target audience online, especially when you use social networks. These networks can allow marketers to create fun, interesting content that can gain a lot of attention to a large audience. By keeping up with the trendiest networks, you can build successful marketing materials.

If you don't know what Pinterest is, basically it's a website that allows users to organize images that inspire them. Each image links to a website so users can get more information on the image. Sharing images of your attraction on a site like Pinterest is a great way to increase interest in your business. Many users collect images of places they want to visit. If your images link to your website, it can help drive traffic as well.

If your business has videos, you should consider creating a YouTube channel. By using this website, you can keep track of how many views you have on your video and see comments from viewers. Creating videos can help show travelers all of the features and amenities your business offers. You can share these videos on your other social media networks and your website as well.

These days, most businesses have a Facebook account. The real question is, are you using it effectively? There are so many different things you can do on this website to promote your business and engage with your fans such as uploading interesting content to offering deals and investing in advertising. Tracking your engagement with the Facebook analytic tools can give you an idea of how you are doing. What types of content do your fans interact with the most and how do you gain new likes?

Twitter is another popular social media network you may already have. Twitter can be tricky because of the limited amount of characters you can include in your tweets. It can be easy to only post about your business on your Twitter account, however posting other relevant travel content can interest your followers and increase engagement.

What is your favorite social media networks for your business? Let me know in the comments below!


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